Swiss Banking Academy & Swiss FS-CSC Webinar | Quantum computing and key impacts on digital security

Date 16.04.2024
Heure 15:00 - 16:00
Événement virtuel MS Teams
Contact Denise Tschudin


Quantum computers – if they are sufficiently powerful – will make it possible to efficiently solve some of the mathematical problems underlying current cryptography, making virtually all digital communication insecure. Recent advances in the field of quantum computing have raised awareness of the urgency of this issue among governments and standardisation bodies.

In this webinar, Marco Brenner, Quantum Safe Programme Executive at IBM, will provide an overview of the state of development of quantum computing, with a particular focus on the threat it poses to current cryptography. He will also present some of the new quantum safe algorithms that are being standardised by the US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).

In addition, the impact on the security of today’s digital communications and computing will be discussed and a number of related mitigations recommended by various standardisation bodies and government institutions in Europe and the US will be presented, complemented by experiences from IBM customer projects.


Free of charge for employees of member institutions. For non-members CHF 200.00. This will be invoiced following the event.


This webinar will be held in English.


online (MS Teams)

Please register using this link.